Sunday, 6 February 2011

Destination #19: Chilling out in Copenhagen (Denmark)

Thursday 13 January 2011 - Sunday 16 January 2011

Short but sweet, was the theme of our, well, as Emma sat this one out, my first destination of 2011: Copenhagen.

Copenhagen has to be my favourite European city and that is despite the fact that my former Interim Global Co-Head of Northern European Coverage Freddy is running around causing havoc there. By the way our inspiring leadership campaign lasted no longer than a couple of days and they did have to sack the whole team for us to move up by default (it was not like there was anyone else left in the team "to manage"). Our short reign was brutally ended when the real management guys found out they forget two guys in the cull and moved us to some other team in order to do some actual work for a change.

Not only did our personal lifestyle guru and Wallpaper & Monocle founder Tyler Brûlé choose Copenhagen as "2nd most liveable city in the World for 2010" for the second year running, but also I bet you didn't know that the average police response time is just 3 minutes and 30 seconds (that is what happens if you spent too much time on airplanes, you start to store utterly useless facts).

Copenhagen used to be the place for copious amounts of gay drinks ("With an umbrella please. By the way do you happen to have a straw as well? Yes the pink one is fine") and stumbling out of nightclubs in the wee hours of the morning. Unfortunately I passed my peak a long time ago, the only sport I would currently qualify for is sumo wrestling and those small headaches in the morning after a night of heavy drinking now take days to clear. So, just like the old days, Freddy and I spent three mornings on the squash court. And just like the old days, I managed to lose each and every set. Nothing beats getting up early in the morning and getting your ass wipped three days in a row. Some things just never change. Well actually one thing did change, the lovely Marie, who must have lost her mind as she is actually living with Freddy, made us a killer breakfast every morning. Noma eat your heart out. After all that hard work, I have to admit that we did manage to squeeze in a couple of White Russians in a killer bar called Ruby as well.

Over the last couple of months we have done a lot of new adventurous and exciting things. But never before have I had to wear a more ridiculous outfit than when we went "hunting" in the forests outside Copenhagen that Saturday. As the puppy was still being groomed for the real thing, I was dressed up as a sort of disastrous outcome of a cloning experiment between Rambo and the Michelin Man gone pear-shaped. Furthermore, it still makes no sense to me why I was dressed up all in green, in a snow covered forest, where besides Freddy an me, there was nothing, and I do mean nothing, that actually slightly resembled the colour green. Good news of all this was that Bambi saw us coming from miles away and no animals were spotted or hurt in this disastrous hunting expedition.

As I made my way to the gate at CPH on Sunday evening, holding an "Energizer" from "Joe and the Juice" in one hand (great recommendation by Christian by the way) and my Tumi bag in the other, I could think of only one thing: Damn I love Copenhagen.

Special thanks is due to the stunning Marie (I still have difficulty sleeping after that ghost story you told me), the lovely Sofie, the crazy Pitou (aka Little Terror) and of course the main villain of the piece Freddy "Gay Drinks" Scheibel. Thanks guys, I had a blast.

Nest stop: Destination #20: Checking out some stones in Petra (Jordan)

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